Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Step by Step, How to Double Internet Explorer Speed

By default, IE allows only two simultaneous download sessions from a single Web server. This can affect the speed of your Web browsing, because you’re not able to simultaneously download all the objects that make up a Web page, so the page displays more slowly. If you could force IE to download more objects at once, Web pages would display more quickly.

A tweak to the Windows Registry does the trick. With this tweak, you can force IE to use more than two simultaneous sessions. A good number is 10. Here’show to do it:

1. Run the Registry Editor by typing regedit at a command line or in the Windows Vista/XP Start Search box.

2. Go to

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings

3. Choose Edit –> New –> DWORD Value.

4. Create a new DWORD value called MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server

5. Double Click on it and Give it a value of 10.

6. Choose Edit –> New –> DWORD Value

7. Create another DWORD value called MaxConnectionsPerServer

8. Double Click on it and Give it a value of 10

9. Exit the Registry and close IE. When you restart IE, the new value will be in effect and your Web browsing should speed up.

If you want to experiment with fewer or more than 10 simultaneous connections, change the value in both DWORD values accordingly.


Anonymous said...

very informative..thank you for sharing your knowledge

OneWinged said...

hi there dear... your welcome... im glad i could help you

Anonymous said...

as far as i know should select "decimal" too.
anotherthing i know to make IE faster. go to run type gpedit.msc and there Administrative Templates->Network->Qos Packet Scheduler->Limit Reservable Bandwidth(double click it)->select "Enable" there and enter value 0 there,apply and ok.
Shahid Awan

OneWinged said...

thanks for the additional info dear. and thanks for visiting. i update daily so be sure to check it daily... thanks again...

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